Miami Lakes Auto Mall needed a cost-effective way to increase security of the high-volume, new vehicle traffic in and out of the parking facility. The auto mall’s goal was to ensure that only specific staff can access and move vehicles to and from the parking ramp without using an unsecured card-based system.
Eyelock’s outdoor iris EXT devices were installed on multiple height pedestals with a 32” read range inside of the parking ramp.
When biometric authentication occurs, the Nano Access system lowers the bollards allowing the vehicles to drive in or out of the parking ramp.

With the early success of EyeLock’s trusted biometric solution, MLAM is already expanding the system outdoor and will be replacing the fingerprint readers inside their facility with EyeLock’s IXT device. Carlos Hernandez, VP of IT for MLAM says “EyeLock’s biometric system solved security problems we had here. We no longer have to worry about the security of our vehicles as their technology allows us to focus on what we do best here, selling vehicles and supporting our customers.“